dimecres, 24 d’abril del 2019



Autora: Sara Shepard
Editorial: Hot Key Books
Nº de pàgines: 283
Idioma: Àngles
Sinòpsi: They're good girls... but no one's perfect...
Mackenzie, Ava, Julie, Parker and Caitlin are five senior high-school girls who seem to have it all. Top grades, beautiful looks, music scholarships, sports captaincies... even the boys of their dreams. But there's just one small flaw in their apparently perfect facade. They're wanted for a murder they didn't commit. Sure, they talked about killing rich bully Nolan Hotchkiss, but they didn't go through with it. It's just a coincidence that Nolan died in exactly the way they planned... right? Except Nolan wasn't the only one they fantasised about hurting in film class that day. And now someone seems to have found their list, and is carrying out their very particular revenges in their name.
Who is really behind these killings?
Who can they truly trust?
And who will be the next to die?

dimecres, 17 d’abril del 2019


Hola a tothom,
Ha passat bastant temps des de l'última entrada i sóc conscient que he deixat el blog totalment abandonat aquest últim any. M'agradaria dir que em sap greu haver deixat de fer ressenyes i haver abandonat aquesta comunitat, però la veritat és que m'ha anat bé, crec que feia molt temps que el fet de mantenir el blog s'havia tornat una obligació i un punt més en la llista de coses que havia de fer. Per això, quan hem vaig veure a mi mateixa sense temps per fer-ho tot, vaig decidir que mantenir el meu blog actiu ja no era una prioritat perquè no era una cosa essencial pel meu futur, pel meu dia a dia, a més, si ja no gaudia escrivint ressenyes quin era el punt de mantenir el blog? Confesso que vaig tenir el meus moments en que em sentia culpable per no estar aquí escrivint ressenyes, suposo que d'aquí van sortir les dues úniques entrades del 2018, però clarament no estava prou motivada com per seguir actualitzant-lo.